How much will it cost to have your work edited? There is no simple answer to this question. Every project, every client, and also every editor is different, and with that come many factors that influence the amount you might pay.
As the Editorial Freelancer Association explains:
“Fees may be a flat (project) rate, per page, per word, or hourly. Rates vary considerably depending on the nature of the work, the time frame of the assignment, the degree of special expertise required, the genre, subject matter, and other factors.” (Hiring an Editor: A Guide for New Authors, EFA)
Customised Quotation: Individualised Pricing for Editing Services
With every project being different, I prepare a customised quotation for each client. Once you provide me with all the essential details, including a sample or full copy of the manuscript to be edited, I will send you the quotation. We will also establish the terms and conditions for the project. What I need to know:
- The nature of the manuscript and the total word count of what you need edited
- The type of editing you are looking for (copyediting, proofreading, developmental editing, etc.)
- Any additional, special requests you have
- Any relevant deadlines
You can use the form on my contact page to make sure you provide me with all the necessary information.
Rate Guides from Professional Organisations
Professional editing organisations do not set prices for editing services, but if you have no previous experience of working with an editor, you might find it helpful to consult the rate guides that some of these organisations have made available. Please note that rate guides are just that – guidance.
- EFA’s “Editorial Rates” (USA)
- CIEP Rates (UK)
- Editors Canada on “What Editors Charge” (Canada)
- IPED’s “Editors’ Pay Rates” (Australia + New Zealand)
- AFEPI’s Recommended Rates (Ireland) – Note: From 2017, so quite dated.